Episode 12: The Memo w/Mustang Mike
– Local Spotlight: Castro’s Back Room Nashua

The Memo was released this week and it’s football time in America, our special guest, Mustang Mike, takes us through it. The Hidden-Herf stumps the panel again. How to properly light a cigar. Our website links out to a large number of Perdomo Factory tour videos.  If you want to learn about what goes into your cigar this is what you want to see.  Cigar Press publishes the article on Kurt and Twins that we stumbled into back on episode 2.
Current events: The Jenni Lynn Duo is back at O’shea’s in Nashua this week and Victory Bar & Cigar in Worcester is holding a Corona Beach Party.
Local Spotlight; Castro’s Back Room – Nashua. An authentic antique building in a downtown location. Barber chairs, a large upstairs room, and a new Monday Happy Hour Series.
Conspiracy Corner: The Memo – We bring in an expert, Mustang Mike, to guide us through the memo and related topics. If you want to learn about “the memo” this episode is for you.

Castro’s Back Room; Nashua, NH

Hidden Herf #12

Episode 11: Fake News Nick
– Local Spotlight: O’Shea’s Irish Tavern & Cigar Bar

The panel is all over the map with their Hidden-Herf guesses – again.
The Steve Saka cigar temperature test comes up in discussion.
Current events: Elvis has really left the building but you can see Fellowship of the King (Elvis tribute), Oscar Valladares, metal bands and go to a steak & cigar dinner.
Open discussion gets Nick in trouble with fake news when Matty decides to fact-check him. A shout-out to the Facebook group “FRIENDS WHO LOVES A GREAT Cigar and a Great CUP OF COFFEE” and to Sean the coffee barista at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe. NO LAST NAMES! Nurse Rick is also called out for Fake-News on a VSG topic. Nick has his ash right down to the band. The reveal is yet another surprise. The Culebra is not the wedding cigar. Cigar Craig on Culebra. Even more fake news from Nick – hence the episode title.
Local Spotlight; O’Shea’s Irish Tavern & Cigar Bar, the recon crew landed on the right day and time, we saw The Jenni Lynn Duo and The Hallorans during our visit. Guinness, a large humidor of cigars, pool, hookah, and great live music – another unique destination we enjoyed.
Conspiracy Corner: Cryptocurrencies. A fake-news Ponzi Scheme. Block chain crypto-mining might be an AI ploy to take over the world.
The hack scale – a new rating scheme, a letter rating system? The Fonzi rating – AAAAAaaaa… converting to/from Hacks, letters and GPA. Release the memo.

O’Shea’s Irish Tavern & Cigar Bar; Nashua, NH

Hidden Herf #11

Episode 10: Elvis Has Left the Building
– Local Spotlight: Carlo Rose Cigar Bar & Lounge

How to comment on an episode. The “Mail-Bag”. We are Skype ready. More states have come on-line. Many new events for 2018  are listed for our local spotlight locations. Correspondent Mike has been rehired but almost gets canned again. Nurse Rick jumps the gun after the Gunslinger Shootout. Federal in Dover is moving to a new location. My Father Cigars Steak & Cigar Dinner at Tito’s Hampton, NH. Hammer Cryptocurrency. The Hidden-Herf provides another surprising reveal. Adventure Suites comes up again.
Local Spotlight; Carlo Rose Cigar Bar & Lounge, the recon crew had a great time at this location. Cigars, Hookah, pool tables, a vape shop, a music venue and a bar; what else do you need?
Conspiracy Corner; Elvis has left the building, Paul is dead, and Hitler lives in Argentina. There’s a storm coming; release the memo. Release the memo.
A shout out and congratulations to Andy.

Carlos Rose Cigar Bar & Lounge; Pelham, NH

Hidden Herf # 10

Episode 9: A Tap Dance for the Mind
– Local Spotlight: Cloud Palace

With Matty recovering from a recent illness we tone it down a bit for a relaxing episode. Food poisoning vs. cigar poisoning. River camping and cigars. Nurse Rick stops in mid-smoke. Last week’s episode almost wasn’t. Facebook links for all our lounge listings. 2018 events are starting to line up at local establishments. Rolling Stogies mobile shop is a different concept. One day I’ll learn to count. Hammer & Sickle at Twins, Oscar Valladares at Cigar Shenanigans, Men in Motion at Cloud Palace. Our first spot-on guess for the Hidden Herf goes to Nurse Rick. Cigars at the fire pit in below zero weather.
Local Spotlight; Cloud Palace, our first foray into the Cigar & Hookah concept – but not out last. Belly and Tap Dancing. The Retrohale Podcast reaches out to us. Conspiracy Corner talks about “Hollow Earth” and “Flat Earth” theories.
We are now officially listened to nationwide.

Cloud Palace; Salem, NH

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Episode 8: Redacted Enacted
– Local Spotlight: Victory Bar & Cigar; and Michael’s Cigar Bar

This episode was almost a total disaster but through the magic of editing and redaction we were able to salvage an actual episode. A full third of the recording had to go. Listen for the cuts and use your imagination – it was that bad and why some parts seem a bit scattered. Enjoy what’s left, it’s a bit funny!
We talk about cigar shop customer service – a dicey topic to do properly. Where are the Crowned Heads La Careme? Roxor and Cuvee – are these brands still around? The Big Monster is Fake-News!! Cigar swag is great. Single use plastic bags, a thing of the past?
Not-So-Local Smoke – Match Cigar Bar in Indiana opens a new location. Boveda’s new gadget monitors you humidor. New laws in local municipalities – What?
The reveal is another surprise – mostly. Local Spotlight gets into a Hookah discussion. While deciding on a conspiracy topic we go to “old rockers still on tour” for a short time before arriving on the “Reptilian Elite” topic.

Victory Bar & Cigar; Worcester, MA

Michael’s Cigar Bar; Worcester, MA

Hidden Herf 8

Episode 7: The Burner Phone
– Local Spotlight: Cigar Shenanigans & The Original Cigar Bar

Nurse Rick and the Peanut Gallery join us again and help us create longest episode to date. We cover the recent passing of Jose O. Padrone and Gilberto F. Oliva Sr. The Cigar Hacks Burner Phone is explained and why everyone should have one. Federal Cigar’s online store is up. The Cigar Authority announces their Cigar of the Year. Recent legislation news from Halfwheel. The Hidden Herf is another surprise for everyone. Nurse Rick gives a correspondence report from his recent visit to North Conway, NH and somehow we get on the Adventure Suites topic. Don’t go on a sleigh ride when it’s 10 below. Nick explains “The Dudley” to get to the very end of your cigar. We go through an impromptu list of go-to cigars for new folks. Conspiracy corner does not disappoint, from MK-Ultra to a prediction for 2018, it will give you something to think about.

Cigar Shenanigans; North Conway, NH

Hidden Herf 7

Episode 6: The Facebook Episode
– Local Spotlight: The Tobacco Shack & The Smoke Shop

Matty and Dave go it alone – it’s a two man effort for #6 which includes the Federal Cigar Portsmouth Lounge experience, Umbagog by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust is reported in HalfWheel and a local Ladies Smoking Event is in the planning stage. The Hidden Herf is another surprise – Yes – no fake news!.
Facebook – a conspiracy topic? Bilderberg & Sun Valley; Read your T&Cs and EULAs! 1984’s Big Brother is reality. Apple kills “Where to Smoke” App.
Conspiracy Corner takes a look at the “New World Order” and we get back to the Bilderberg topic. Three nothing-burgers equal one Russia investigation in the deep state swamp. Matty goes on-record with his prediction on the fake Russia story.

The Tobacco Shack; Rowley, MA

The Smoke Shop; Middleton, MA

[The Smoke Shop photo placeholder]

Hidden Herf 6

Episode 5 – It’s Black Friday Every Day
– Special Guest: Erik Wentworth of Hammer + Sickle Cigars
– Local Spotlight: Seacoast Cigar Bar

Erik tells us about the new box-pressed Berlin Wall and the release of Dome #2. We have a peanut gallery for this episode. Black Friday just won’t die, Detroit, Cigar Craig and did I mention Black Friday? No last names! The Accidental Correspondent tells us about Winston Churchill’s Orange Peel Old Fashioned. Conspiracy Corner goes to space and back where we discus the Flat-Earth phenomenon. Laugh  along with the Hacks on this one – lots of fun.

Hammer & Sickle Cigars

Seacoast Cigar Bar

[Seacoast Cigar Bar photo placeholder]

Hidden Herf 5

Episode 4 – Podcast Gold [Rush]
– Not-So-Local Spotlight: Habanos

Nick gets a “Nasty” new name. The Retrohale. We talk about TV shows, movies and cigars sightings. A 13 minute reveal goes all over the map including bespoke suits. The Not-So-Local Spotlight features Habanos Cafe and Cigar Lounge in San Diego. Conspiracy Corner tackles Artificial Intelligence; Ligero, Anthony Ligero?

Habanos Cafe and Cigar Lounge; San Diego, CA

Road Sticks S1 E6; Habanos

Hidden Herf 4

Episode 3 – A Typical Hack
– Local Spotlight: Federal Cigar

Normally this  episode would be titled something like “What We’ve Been Up To” but in typical Hack fashion the Hidden Herf gets a bit out of control. We cover everything from Avanti Cigars to beef jerky and Serino Cigars to birthday cake. A theme is forming – cigars and food. The “Local Spotlight” shines on Federal Cigar’s three locations. Conspiracy corner goes to the dogs with innuendo. Nick gets a new name and we explain what our intro means.

Federal Cigar Bar; Portsmouth, NH – Back Room

Hidden Herf 3