Episode 32: False Starts on Enema Lake
– Local Spotlight: Towne News & Smoke Shop

The third time is the charm on false starts as we are out on the boat for another fishing excursion. This episode was one of the most challenging to edit as “hack” takes on an all new definition, as in “hack up a lung”. The Hidden Herf gets a “lucky guess” right out of the gate but still stumps the panel. Two trips back to the dock and we have an episode.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Towne News & Smoke Shop – Wakefield, MA. A cigar shop with a large selection, keno and great ventilation.

Conspiracy Corner: The Roseanne Show

Towne News & Smoke Shop – Wakefield, MA.

Hidden Herf 32 / A view from the boat

Episode 31: The Brooklyn Chic Returns
– Local Spotlight: Mark’s Smoke Shop & News Stand

We are again joined by The Brooklyn Chick for an action packed episode, covering the Hammer & Sickle / Eric Hanson news, the limo update, poison ivy eating goats, the Fathers Day Cigar Dinner at Tino’s and other food topics. Gunfire in the background from the locals’ target practice adds to the ambience of this recording. The Hidden Herf is a special pick and a surprise for all. Shout-outs go to GJ, Michael, Mr. Dudley, Miss Luna, Everett, and The Crusaders. We cover about a dozen different cigars in the course of the conversation.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Mark’s Smoke Shop & News Stand – Wakefield, MA. A compact cigar shop with great character.

Conspiracy Corner: Curling – a sport or not a sport?

Mark’s Smoke Shop & News Stand – Wakefield, MA

Hidden Herf 31 / Erik on TCA / Mark’s Boston Cigar Cutter


Episode 30: Fishing from the Boat
– Local Spotlight: Castaways – Happy Hours with Rocky Patel

We take “mobile” to the extreme and do an episode from the pontoon boat while on a fishing excursion. There are three poles in the water and the fish keep coming while we do an otherwise regular show. The Hidden Herf is another top rated smoke by all.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Castaways – Seabrook NH. We recap the Happy Hours with Rocky Patel cigar dinner event.

Conspiracy: Correspondent Mike steps up to fill in for the conspiracy team and give a report on a second shooter in the Bobby Kennedy incident.

Castaways – Seabrook NH w/Rocky Patel


Hidden Herf 30

Episode 29: The Oscuro Limo
– Local Spotlight: Victory Cigar Bar

Making up for last week’s rain-out we do an extended episode. As usual we are all over the map with topics including the limo update. We finally make it up to O’Shea’s in Nashua on a Thursday to see the Goat and Friends. The Hidden Herf is a special surprise for all.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Victory Cigar Bar – Sudbury, MA. Another lounge for the Hidden Gem list.

Conspiracy: Mustang Mike calls in for a remote report on the current state of the body politic.

Victory Cigar – Sudbury MA

Hidden Herf 29 / The Oscuro

Episode 28: Rained Out
– Local Spotlight: Tailgating at Gillette Stadium

This episode has been put on a rain delay – stay tuned for an update.

We traveled to the NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Championship Weekend at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro MA with the expectation of recording this week’s episode while there for two nights in the RVs. The weather has not cooperated and it has been too damp to pull out the gear and light up outside so we are on a weather related delay for episode 28.

Episode 27: Name the Boat
– Local Spotlight: Twins Deck Update; Cigars R Us; Puro’s Cigar

Podcast Juice Cocktails. The early Father’s/Mother’s Day gift. The Joke Segment. Curling comes up again.
The Dark Side of the Leaf & The Bazaar of the Leaf.
The shameless plugs, retro-haling & the annual cigar investment.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Twins deck update; Cigars R Us; Puro’s Cigar

Conspiracy: Titanic and the FED , Joan Rivers, Michelle Obama, Michael Jackson and a bevy of rockers.

Twins / Cigars R Us / Puro’s Cigars


Hidden Herf 27


Episode 26: Back to Basics
– Local Spotlight: Primings Cigar Lounge & Bar

We get back on track with our standard format. RI Mike joins the panel on the remote. The Hidden-Herf is another mystery until the reveal. Smokey and the Bandit gets tied in. We report on the limo search. Cigar Craig is starting a new podcast.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Primings Cigar Lounge & Bar – Nashville, TN. Comedy Chris travels to Nashville and brings back a review of this upscale establishment.

Conspiracy Corner: The FBI plants a mole in the Trump campaign. Schneiderman, Muller, and North Korea are tied in. The Simpsons predict the future.

Primings Cigar Lounge & Bar – Nashville, TN


Hidden Herf 26 / Cigar Craig


Episode 25: Technical Difficulties
– Local Spotlight: The Gatlin-Burlier & Hoggs Upstairs Taverne

After fighting with a bad cable and few “blunder-ific” false starts we finally get the episode going. Mark and Bret from The Retrohale join us (via a spotty Skype connection) for another off-the-rails episode. Departing from our usual format we just relax, smoke cigars, and drink plenty of podcast juice as we move from one topic to another. Here’s a sample of where we go for 75 minutes: Boston sports trivia challenge, NH & Colorado connections, Stonehenge, rock bands and artists, cigars good vs. bad – it’s subjective, Gingers have no souls. Nobody is cutting Nick in the deli line. Presidential trivia. Same birthday coincidences. Hitting the beaver (on 125). Homemade spirits, public hanging and roadkill. Deer crossing radio caller. Moose and elk dead or alive. Too much podcast juice in my cup. Sex in the car with frosty. The mystery $1 figurado and the Chinese Finger Trap.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: The Gatlin-Burlier & Hoggs Upstairs Taverne – Gatlinburg, TN. Nurse Rick travels to Gatlinburg and combines these two establishments to come up with a cigar lounge where there is none in the traditional sense.

Conspiracy Corner – a recap of last week’s topic.

The Gatlin-Burlier / Hoggs Upstairs Taverne


Hidden Herf 25 / There’s a bear at the pool / Moose in the road


The Retohale Podcast

Episode 24: 10 Years Ago Today
– Local Spotlight: Twins Smoke Shop; Hookset

The Hidden Herf is a special treat for the panel, it also demonstrates how individual palates change over time. We take our time with the events and discuss other topics related to each lounge or event. Cow Tongue and Aganorsa tobaccos work their way in to the talk. A few anecdotes from Comedy Chris keep us in stitches. Everything from boiled peanuts to an exploding charcoal grill is open for discussion. We add a new member to the Cigar Hacks; The Bearded Blunder, and he fits right in.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Twins Smoke Shop – Hookset, NH. A compact but friendly lounge and smoke shop that carries cigars, pipes and coffee.

Conspiracy Corner: In lieu of conspiracy corner (no conspiracy Hacks are with us for this episode) we go is a few different directions. Nurse Rick uses power tools!

An actual DIY “Cigar Hack” – how to make a lighter purge tool for free.

Twins Smoke Shop – Hookset, NH

Hidden Herf 24 / DIY Lighter Purge Tool / Kickstarter Purge Tool

Episode 23: He’s Back
– Local Spotlight: Federal Cigar Bar; Dover

Matty returns after a hiatus from the show and the Hidden-Herf is picked just for the occasion. We cover far too many topics to list them all but the theme seems to be a lot of laughing. There are lots of events coming up and we have commentary on just about every one. We took a road trip to Dover, NH to see the new lounge that Federal Cigar has recently opened.

Bonus Content: Nurse Rick calls us from TN while on vacation and a technical disaster ensues as we try to insert him into the show on-the-fly. This eight minute debacle was good for an out-take and is tacked on to the end of the regular show.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Federal Cigar Bar – Dover, NH. A newly renovated new location for the this long time establishment with a large retail section and a much improved lounge.

Conspiracy Corner: Matty decodes Mustang Mike’s notes front the road relating to the DNC and speculates on what’s about to happen in the world of the DC power brokers.

Federal Cigar Bar – Dover, NH

Hidden Herf 23