Episode 134: Strawberry Moon
– Local Spotlight: Happy Jack’s Cigars, Pipe and Tobacco Shop; Laconia, NH

The weather is so good that we go out on Enema Lake for a second week in a row. It’s the Strawberry Moon and the sky is crystal clear. We start in the middle of the lake to avoid the bugs but the wind kicks up and we start moving. This might be the first time we recorded while moving, but when we get into the cove, at the 14:30 mark, it’s a dead calm. The Hidden Herf is a special find by Nurse Rick from the local spotlight, of course, it’s so rare that no one has seen it before. It’s “Fish On” and the Podcast Juice is flowing. We are back to the regular events format – there are actual events to report!

Local Spotlight: Happy Jack’s Cigars, Pipe and Tobacco Shop; Laconia, NH

Conspiracy Corner – Mike Jr.

Hidden Herf 134 / Strawberry Moon on Enema Lake

Episode 133: Return to Enema Lake 2020
– Local Spotlight: Smoke On The Water; Enema Lake, NH

It’s the 2020 edition of our return to recording on the boat while fishing and smoking cigars. Comedy Chris is back at the helm and it seems we have overcome the power issues with the S. S. Low Voltage (A.K.A Smoke on the Water). After a number of clues and a multitude of guesses the Hidden Herf is finally landed on by the panel. It’s the usual antics and fun from the panel out on the water.

Local Spotlight – Smoke On The Water; Enema Lake, NH

Conspiracy Corner – Social media giants are put on notice.

Hidden Herf 133

Episode 132: It’s Hammer Time w/Erik Wentworth of Hammer + Sickle Cigars
– Local Spotlight: Twins Smoke Shop – Under the Tent; Londonderry, NH

NH has allowed outdoor lounges and we jumped at the opportunity to do our first live lounge recording in the ten weeks since the “lock-down” began. Erik Wentworth of Hammer + Sickle joins us for the return to a bit of “the old normal” . It’s time to catch up with Erik talk about the Hammer and plenty of other fun stuff. The no-so Hidden Herf is the Caleanoch.

Local Spotlight – Twins Smoke Shop; Londonderry, NH

Conspiracy Corner – Is it the Plandemic or the Dempanic? Fear Porn.

Hidden Herf 132 / Twins 7-20-4 Outdoor Lounge

Episode 131: Weathering the Storm
– Local Spotlight: Twins Smoke Shop; Hooksett, NH

The front rolls through as we start the show, under a tornado watch we forge ahead. Fishing stories, Covid 19 update, ADA, HIPPA and masks. Nurse Rick picks out the Hidden Herf cigar brand after one clue with his first guess. Boober Eats at The Lucky Devil Lounge. Somehow we start talking about Route 66. Comedy Chris calls in, places his order and sets the fish story straight.

Local Spotlight – Twins Smoke Shop; Hooksett, NH

Conspiracy Corner – Q returns, unmasking, you can’t question the narrative, etc.

Video references – Squirrel Man and His Jam Band

Hidden Herf 131 / The Retirement Sign from Hammer & Sickle


Episode 130: Friends in the pool
– Local Spotlight: Who is actually open?

The Hidden Herf is a winner, it stumps the panel and gets a great rating! We get into a few guitars, Nurse Rick takes a drive down memory lane and Comedy Chris joins us on the remote. Current Events are starting to come back to life. Nurse Rick and Mustang Mike face-off for Conspiracy Corner – this one is a bit heavy, will you fall into the trap?

Local Spotlight – Who is actually open?

Conspiracy Corner – You aren’t allowed to question the narrative.

Hidden Herf 130

Episode 129: The Scarf Lady
– Local Spotlight: Curbside Pickup

JoJo Mo joins the panel on the remote and pegs the Hidden Herf from the descriptions and the clues. Curbside cigar service, actual cigar events, drive through restaurants. CV19 testing, tracing and inflated figures, re-opening of states, getting the boats ready for the summer, Sum-A-Palooza, now heard in all 50 states.

Video Reference – Squirrel Man and His Jam Band

Local Spotlight – Curbside Pickup

Conspiracy Corner – Government Overreach

Hidden Herf 129

Episode 128: Socialist Distancing
– Local Spotlight: Tailgate Lounges

The Retrohale Roast continues – for at least the first 90 seconds. Nancy’s ice cream, ballot harvesting, paper or plastic, the convalescent crew, tobacco and the corona virus, Tampa Tom and much more. The Hidden Herf stumps the panel and gets a wide range of ratings.

Local Spotlight – Tailgate Lounges

Conspiracy Corner – JFK Jr., Joe Kennedy, Oil prices

Video reference – Stacie McCarthy

Hidden Herf 128 / Hammer & Sickle Lamp