Episode 48: Simon Says: Smoke Cigars
– Local Spotlight: The Cloud Palace; Salem, NH

This week we do another in-lounge episode direct from the The Cloud Palace in Salem, New Hampshire. We are joined by Simon (Simon Says) and Joe (JoJo Notmo) the owners of The Cloud Palace. They tell us about cigars, hookahs, and belly dancing. The Hidden Herf is a giant log that turns out to be a real surprise for all on the panel. There are a couple of shout-outs to The Retrohale and Cigar Craig’s Blog/Podcast along with our other regular segments.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: The Cloud Palace; Salem, NH

Conspiracy Corner: The conspiracy panelists have been abducted by aliens again.

The Cloud Palace; Salem, NH


Hidden Herf 48 / Recording in-lounge

Episode 46: Religion and Politics
– Local Spotlight: Gold Leaf Tobacconist; Seabrook, NH

We do a quick follow-up of the “JoJo Mo” and “Drew the Hooker” visit adding the Late Friday and Saturday stops bringing the lounge tally to 8 in under 48 hours. Somehow we get on a couple of religion topics before current events. Conspiracy corner gets into a couple of political topics. The Hidden Herf is one of the top cigars we have ever smoked.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Gold Leaf Tobacconist; Seabrook, NH

Conspiracy Corner: What’s really behind the allegations?

Gold Leaf Tobacconist; Seabrook, NH

Hidden Herf 46

Episode 45: JoJo Mo and Son
– Local Spotlight: Plaistow Cigar Company; Plaistow, NH

We are visited by “JoJo Mo” and “Drew the Hooker” for a few days and have them with us in person. Joe and Drew came up to New Hampshire from the New Jersey / Pennsylvania area to attend a cigar event and go on a lounge tour. With special guests on hand and recording back at home-base we have a full house of ten. This causes us to switch the peanut gallery in two shifts to get everyone on. We do a recap of the Federal Cigar Anniversary Cruise that was an Ashton and Makers Mark event. The Podcast Juice is flowing and we have lots of laughs. The Hidden Herf is a special cigar selected by Joe just for us, no one is even close with the guessing. All we had to do was mention the “whoop button”. Joe and Drew give us a report on their lounge tour.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Plaistow Cigar Company; Plaistow, NH

Conspiracy Corner: Q&A from Q-Anon, Area 51, Aliens, and Building 7 on 9/11

Plaistow Cigar Company; Plaistow, NH

Hidden Herf 45 / Best Lounge Chairs Anywhere

Episode 44: Dead in the Water with Skippy & The Mate
– Local Spotlight: Stanza Dei Sigari; Boston, MA

Looking to extend the summer we get out on the lake but then run into problems forcing us to head back to the dock and record on dry land. Skippy and the Mate of The Retrohale join us from Colorado for the full experience with a Hidden Herf as they go end-to-end on this episode. We recap both the Two Guys and Twins Smoke Shops’ anniversary events. The list of current events is so long that Skippy is packing a bag to come and experience it. The Federal Cigar anniversary party is previewed, we will have a group there. The side topics are, as usual, all over the place and a bit zany. Comedy Chris nails the Hidden Herf’s brand out of the gate and earns another partial credit.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Stanza Dei Sigari; Boston, MA

Conspiracy Corner: The aliens have abducted the Conspiracy crew this week.

Stanza Dei Sigari; Boston, MA

Hidden Herf 44 / SakaSquatch

Episode 43: Back on the Lake; No Rain!
– Local Spotlight: Red Lion Smoke Shop; Salem, MA

We head out on the boat again after 6 weeks of getting rained out for some fishing, podcast juice, and cigars. The range of topics include; Smokey and the Bandit/Burt Reynolds. World Championship Cigar smoking. Nurse Rick wears boxer shorts for the first time. Anchors away! Deadliest Catch. Industry Night. The Snack Authority and the Studio 21 Podcast Cafe. Beards, Canadian Cubans and more. For the second week in a row we have a Hidden Herf totally pegged, but this time by Taco Steve who wasn’t even smoking it! How is this possible?

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Red Lion Smoke Shop; Salem, MA

Conspiracy Corner: Mustang Mike joins us for some conspiracy talk about the FBI and Supreme Court nominees.

Red Lion Smoke Shop; Salem, MA

Online: Info and Photo

Hidden Herf 43 / It’s Birthday week again

Episode 42: Twins, Twins, Twins, Live, Live, Live
– Local Spotlight: 7-20-4 Cigar Lounge; Londonderry, NH

We do our second live-in-lounge recording where we recap of the Fuente event and much more. This one is loaded with lots of general cigar talk. We recruit a guest right off the bar! Another first is ordering Podcast Juice Cocktails on-mic with the bar tender. Some of our listeners come to the lounge to meet us and we do an impromptu interview at the end of the episode. Nick pulls a rabbit out of the hat and nails the Hidden Herf at the last second.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Twins 7-20-4 Cigar Lounge; Londonderry, NH

Conspiracy Corner: The Aliens have not returned the abducted the conspiracy theorists yet.

Twins 7-20-4 Lounge; Londonderry, NH

Hidden Herf 42 / Fuente Event / The Unicorn Forest Auction

Episode 41: Dirty Jersey with JoJo Mo
– Local Spotlight: Hoboken Cigars; Hoboken, NJ

In typical Hack fashion we throw an episode together in a couple of hours. We put out the call to the troops and with three regular Hacks and one call in guest we pull off another gem, impromptu. JoJo Mo (Joe Morasco) fits right in and coincidentally is calling from New Jersey just a few minutes from this weeks Local Spotlight. The conversation takes the usual twists and turns somehow we go from sending a package to Mark and Bret at The Retrohale to to lubing up cables for a massive pull. The Hidden Herf reveal is priceless! What does any of this have to do with the price of pipe tobacco on New Zealand?

Current Events: September is annual dinner month – there are multiple shops celebrating. See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Hoboken Cigars; Hoboken, NJ

Conspiracy Corner: Aliens have abducted the conspiracy theorists again.

Hoboken Cigars – Hoboken, NJ

Online Photos: Exterior View Lounge  Humidor Interactive

Hidden Herf 41

Episode 40: Mr. Bojimbles Live
– Local Spotlight: Direct from Two Guys Smoke Shop; Seabrook

This episode starts a new chapter for the Hacks, we record our first in-lounge remote at Two Guys in Seabrook NH, we are joined by Big Jim (aka Mr. Bojimbles). Jim is one of the regular staff at this location which gives us an opportunity to learn more about this lounge and Two Guys Smoke Shops in general, there are three locations. You can hear some faint shop and lounge activity in the background, we were there during the regular Friday evening hours in the back lounge. We follow our standard show format but the in-lounge dynamic made this one a little more interesting, there was a birthday in the house; Happy Birthday Dave! There are three Daves mentioned in this episode, try to keep track. Since Jim is somewhat of a cigar expert, and is familiar with everything Two Guys carries, we had to come up with a Hidden Herf that would be a bit of a challenge, and it does not disappoint!

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Two Guys Smoke Shop; Seabrook, NH (In-lounge episode) With two lounges it’s a very comfortable shop.

Conspiracy Corner: More from Q-Anon. Who knew that Mr. BoJimbles was a conspiracy buff! See Episode 27 for the referenced Conspiracy Corner.

Two Guys Smoke Shop; Seabrook, NH – Front and Back Lounges / Walk-in

Hidden Herf 40 / Podcast Juice – Hammer + Sickle Vodka

Episode 39: The Common Law Wife; with The Retrohale
– Local Spotlight: Havana Cigar Club, RI

We record with The Retrohale for almost 5 hours this week – cutting this down to 1:07 was a real challenge, leaving plenty of gems for future episodes.

The topics: Don’t get too technical. Email, social media and telephone scams. Can you see Boston from Colorado? Driving distances – NE, East Coast – NJ and NC. Dominican Rejects, somehow we both smoked the same cigars on last weeks’ shows. Cigar Craig. Perdomo Cigars. Use the promo code “RETRO”. Podcast Juice Classic Cocktails, Ballots and Bottles. The Smokin’ Butt-Head Hobo from United Cigar. Comedy Chris guesses the Hidden Herf – sort of… Alex the Snooker Bastard. The Red Sox and Patriots are not in the “Current Events” segment. Java Red – still a surprise. Lobbie Omelets and Lobbie Sauce. The Rhode Island Cigar Crawl and too much Dominican coffee.

Current Events: See CigarPlanner.com for more details, filter by your state or city.

Local Spotlight: Havana Cigar Club; Warwick, RI

Conspiracy Corner:  Aliens have abducted the conspiracy theorists.

Drive to all NE states in a day;  Podcast Juice Cocktails;  Bret’s Mug

The Smokin’ Butt-Head Hobo;  Dom’s B’Day Cake;  Hidden Herf 39